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Welcome to AVAZA, your voice in providing Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services!
Opting for AVAZA as your language services provider ensures that your organization's language access model will exceed CLAS Standards in the provision of language services.
As your exclusive provider, we offer a comprehensive array of interpretation and translation solutions tailored to meet your needs with a strong emphasis on quality and affordability. Our expertise in regulatory compliance, training, service implementation, and the latest technology enables us to provide insightful consultation and guidance to clients across the country, empowering them to excel in the delivery of language services.
Flexible solutions.
Certified and compliant.
Global talent centers for specialized skills or delivering managed programs across focused industries.
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Delivering managed programs across over the tedious tasks of risk
Delivering managed programs across over the tedious tasks of risk
Delivering managed programs across over the tedious tasks of risk
Delivering managed programs across over the tedious tasks of risk
Over 3000 interpreters and translators are certified/qualified as Court, Medical, and Conference interpreters and translators.
Of AVAZA clients are government and hospital systems.
Languages and dialects supported through our team.
Years serving communities.